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Home » How to Build and Strengthen Your Base in Whiteout Survival

How to Build and Strengthen Your Base in Whiteout Survival

whiteout survival furnace

Whiteout Survival is amongst the best survival strategy games in the gaming community. Its popularity has crossed many thresholds. The game offers a wide range of features that attract many players. Players can build their base, fight battles, and do various other activities. As the players progress in the game, it gets tougher and tougher. However, players can use Frost Star Whiteout Survival, the virtual currency in the game, to help during difficult times. Now, the most important part of a survivor game is the Whiteout Survival base. So, in this guide, we will understand the ways to build and strengthen the base.

Base in Whiteout Survival 

Like any other strategy survival game, bases are important in Whiteout Survival. They are core to the progress of the game. In Whiteout Survival, buildings in the base are not placed depending on the player’s choice. Each building has a designated plot. Once the player gathers enough resources they can build the piece of architecture. Each of these buildings serves a purpose in the game. There are three main types of Whiteout Survival buildings namely Production, Military Affairs, and Function.


The main building in this game is the Whiteout Survival Furnace. It is the Headquarters of the town and the first contrast of the Whiteout Survival base. Well, in an ice-forming cold, the most important building is the mechanism that gives warmth. The Whiteout Survival furnace is also called the Heart of the City as it provides the whole base with heat. Also, it prevents the survivors from getting ill. 

Production Buildings

These buildings are essential as they provide resources for training the troops, upgrading the buildings, and other activities. In addition, it includes buildings like Clinics that are useful for the survivors.

  • Hunter’s Hut
  • Sawmill
  • Coal Mine 
  • Iron Mine
  • Cookhouse
  • Storehouse
  • Shelter 
  • Clinic

Military Affairs

Military Buildings are crucial for the survival of the Whiteout Survival base. These Whiteout Survival buildings train and upgrade the troops. They can be used in battles and missions to get rewards.

  • Infantry Camp
  • Marksman Camp
  • Lancer Camp
  • Research Centre 
  • Infirmary 
  • Command Centre
  • Embassy

Special Buildings

Special Buildings are necessary for the smooth running of the base. These Whiteout Survival buildings help the players with all sorts of objectives such as missions, battles, protection, and production. 

  • Chief’s House
  • Hero Hall
  • Arena
  • Lighthouse 
  • Monument
  • Suggestion Box
  • Barricade 
  • Explorer’s Cabin

Strengthen the Base

One way to strengthen the base is to collaborate with other players and form alliances. Players can join communities on Discord to share ideas and tactics to become better at the game. There is Nitro Discord available that gives access to exclusive features of the app. 

In order to strengthen the base players must keep upgrading the buildings. As the Whiteout Survival Furnace level increases the power of the base increases allowing the players to upgrade other buildings. However, to upgrade a building, players need to upgrade all the furniture inside it. The production building must be prioritized for upgrading. Once the production is at its maximum, players can easily upgrade the other Whiteout Survival buildings. 


Well, folks, that was all for this guide about the base in Whiteout Survival. The game requires strategy and planning to progress. Hence, keep grinding the game and improve your base.

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